Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Vaccine, or Russian Roulette?

Reading the Christchurch Weekend Press at morning tea today an article about an upset mum caught my attention. The mother was vocalizing her disappointment at the way the authorities where aggressively promoting the cervical vaccine to her 13 year-old daughter. She made a great call,

"It is incredible that a parent has to sign a letter for their child to go on a trip to the zoo or to be excused from wearing their PE gear at school, but can be completely ignored when their daughter is accessing a vaccine, contraception, or even an abortion ...

She is right to be concerned. Cervical vaccine campaign hasn’t exactly been plain sailing. In Britain recently a 14 year old died after receiving her shot. Further down the linked googlenews article is the following extract from a statement made by GSK, who produce the vaccine.  

"To date the vast majority of suspected adverse reactions (to Cervarix) have related either to the signs and symptoms of recognised side effects listed in the product information or were due to the injection process and not the vaccine itself."

Somehow I can't see that being very comforting to the girl’s family!

Analyzing the statement closer, we see they start with the phrase “To date” indicating they aren’t very sure about what could happen in the future. The next disclaimer is “the vast majority,” indicating there are exceptions and with 1.4 million doses given out in Britain already, just 1% would still be 14,000. Thirdly, “reactions have related either to the signs and symptoms of recognised side effects listed in the product information.” So are they trying to say side effects are ok so long they are mentioned in the fine print?

Other vaccine reaction stories:

  • New Zealand Swine Flu Vaccine Supplier To Be Baxter, The Company Caught Distributing Live Avian Flu Virus
  • Controversial HPV Vaccine Causing One Death Per Month: FDA Report
  • Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America
  • Disabled after flu vaccine
It’s not hard to start to feel pretty uneasy about what’s getting jabbed into our bodies with the blessing of our tax payers’ dollars.
One big winner in all this is the Pharmaceutical companies. With millions and millions of vaccinations world wide, and governments’ subsidies, there are profits to be had. The more diseases there are to vaccinate against the better from there point of view. This is a pretty massive conflict of interest, especially when the Big Pharma can pay for government lobbyists, scientific grants, and doctors sales bonus’s…  But its getting late.

1 comment:

  1. good call. and great that the pharma companies can woo doctors out to dinner and on holiday trips so they can market their product....


    "Pharmaceutical companies in America today employ an army of 55,000 representatives, who target doctors.....the reps spend $5 billion a year - that's $13,000 per doctor - pitching products to them and filling their world with advertisements"

    thanks government for allowing this!
